RingX is another program created by MakexLab, it allows you design your own ring by modifiing the boundary of the ring as you like.
Please visit: makex.com/ringx to have more detail of this program. Read More
RingX is another program created by MakexLab, it allows you design your own ring by modifiing the boundary of the ring as you like.
Please visit: makex.com/ringx to have more detail of this program. Read More
Touch Voice is the first program created by MakexLab, a simple program of recording your vioce and convert it to a 3D printable model.
Visit makex.com/touchvoice/ to download it! Read More
Dear All,
We are so glad to annouce that our Creative Department MakexLab is online now!
MakexLabs aims at making simple and interesting 3D printing projects. And now we would like to release the first two projects: TouchVoice and RingX. More projects are on the way, please visit Makex.com/makexlab to check Makexlab’s newest achivements:P
We are also open to interesing ideas from our users. Please don’t hesitate to share your ideas on our Forum: http://makex.com/forum/makexlab/ Hope we can apply your ideas to all the users:D
MakeX Team